The Game of Throne Scene You Won't See (But Should): Mediation
Here is a fun article for Game of Thrones fans. It proposes the benefits of mediation in reaching a decision on who should sit on the Iron Throne. Enjoy!
One of the best ways for families in the midst of an inheritance dispute -- or many other legal cases for that matter -- to settle their differences is with a process called mediation.
So what exactly is mediation? Mediation is a non-binding settlement discussion process where an independent, trained mediator works with both sides to fashion a resolution. More and more courts are requiring mediation as part of the litigation process. It's particularly useful to help those going through a court case set aside emotions and make a business decision, for the best interests of everyone.
Mediation can be informal and collaborative, or formal with the mediator using "shuttle diplomacy" to act as a go-between while the parties are seated in different rooms. Often, the collaborative process works best, especially when there are many different interests involved.
Coincidentally, the following deleted scene from Game of Thrones was recently leaked to the internet, off of the cutting-room floor, and illustrates how collaborative mediation can play out.